3 Ways parents can better connect with their child

Life is busy, especially with work, extracurricular schedules, activities and other tasks that have to be done. Still, it’s important to carve out some meaningful time with your children. Not only does this improve the parent-child relationship, but you can also...

Winter is here :)

Hello 🙂 The first half of the year has been extremely busy and has gone way too fast. Our afterschool classes in Epping, Doreen and Mill Park are running beautifully with steady increase in numbers as the year progresses. Our first preschool class is amazing! We have...

Welcome to 2016

  Welcome to term 1, 2016! We started the year with our January holiday workshops and we ran lots of new classes. Junior Robotics and Stop Motion Animation saw us bringing in the big guns- the lap tops! 🙂 We learnt to program our LEGO® builds, and made some...