About Us

The BRICKS 4 KIDZ model was founded by Michelle Cote in St. Augustine, Florida. Michelle started an after-school Spanish class (outside the school system). In the spring of 2008 while filling out the forms to become a “School Board Vendor,” teaching Spanish at the school the following school year, Michelle noticed a category on the form for “creative science.” Her son loves to play with LEGO® bricks, and she thought to herself, “Maybe I could lead a creative science LEGO® class too”.  Michelle was awarded the bid for both the after-school Spanish and the creative science LEGO® class.  That summer Michelle advertised a Spanish camp and a LEGO® camp.  She had three children sign up for the Spanish camp, but 35 children signed up for the LEGO® camp!

After seeing the excitement over the LEGO® bricks, Michelle decided to go with the LEGO® after-school class – and it took off. Michelle found herself at three different primary schools with an average of 20 students in each class every week. Now Michelle does over 20 after-school classes a week, plus school incursions, programs during the school holidays and bunches of birthday parties every weekend!

Today BRICKS 4 KIDZ has over 600 locations in 35 countries. BRICKS 4 KIDZ is a Child Safe Child Friendly organisation and our number one priority in any activity is the safety of children under our supervision.  Download here for our Child Safe Child Friendly policy.


Who is the team in Karrinyup?

Rachel Koo

Rachel completed her Bachelor of Engineering degree at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 1995.  After few years working as an Engineer, she pursued a Master of Science degree in Management Science at University of Southampton, England in 1999. When she returned to Singapore, she continued her career in the Engineering for 10 years before migrating to Perth in late 2010 with her family.

When Rachel migrated to Perth, she spends her time taking care of her two young energetic boys aged 6 and 4. She has been looking for activities to occupy her children’s time with a focus on learning and play. She finds that LEGO® bricks are one of those toys which can provide this need. While doing this, she completed her Certificate III in Education Support from TAFE Armadale in late 2014.

Rachel co-founded RENRUI VENTURES PTY LTD (ACN: 609 656 019, ABN: 42 198 088 386), the franchisee for BRICKS 4 KIDZ® and is now working to establish and grow her business. Rachel is committed to the success of BRICKS 4 KIDZ® Karrinyup; and is dedicated in growing the brand in her territory.

Rachel’s Working With Children Check number is 1394909.  Rachel has the Education and Care First Aid qualification from First Aid Training, endorsed by the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

Christopher Meow

If you are signing up for Robotics, chances are Chris will be your Robotics Instructor. After 25 years working as an IT Consultant with Geac, KPMG and Oracle, Chris has decided to move on to greener pastures. Together with Rachel, Chris co-founded RENRUI VENTURES PTY LTD, the franchisee for BRICKS 4 KIDZ®. And what a move, Chris is passionate about Robotics and programming and combining with LEGO® bricks it is a dream job.

Chris’ Working With Children Check number is 2679045. Chris is qualified to provide emergency first aid response in an education and care setting.

We learn, we build, we play with LEGO® Bricks

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LEGO® and DUPLO® are registered trademarks of the LEGO® Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse these programs or this web site.