Stem and it's importance in child education

Bricks 4 Kidz has STEM based activities here. 

The world we know has changed significantly! STEM needs to be at the forefront of education for our children.

There’s a whirlwind of change going on.  Digital technology has become a core part of our lives. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is carving out a new history.  A STEM education provides students with the skills they will need in a fast-paced competitive world. Advances in technology impact everything, including education.

The education sector is working hard to educate future innovators so they will be prepared for the future.  STEM in classrooms is important to promote understanding of STEM and now STEAM which includes the ‘A’ .  The A stands for Arts and in the future, creativity and Art will showcase. Here we explore STEAM in more detail and discuss ways to include STEM into your student’s curriculum.

STEAM. What’s the ‘A’ stand for?
‘A’ is for The Arts which will likely play a big part in future!

Arts included into a STEAM education has become important because in the future creators are going to be the leaders as the world will be need creative solutions more than ever.  Arts helps students think bigger, generate ideas, and problem solve! A creative mind is expected to be in demand in the future. 

But what’s it actually stand for? “STEAM” represents STEM plus the arts – humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design and new media. LEGO® incorporates STEM and the Arts. It’s a perfect balance of key educational concepts. 

Encouraging parents to incorporate STEM activities in their child’s lives is important. There is plenty of STEAM learning experiences available. Enrolling kids in a school holiday or in-class workshop, engaging in STEM related activities at home and school will provide students with necessary skills to thrive. Bricks 4 Kidz has STEM based activities here. 

STEM and its Four Educational Subjects.


True science encourages critical thinking and curiosity.  Being able to explore the way things work, methods, concepts, and outcomes is valuable in helping us make sense of the world and what is best for our future. Students will need to make decisions that are informed and that will hopefully lead civilization on a good path.

Learning about energy, laws of motion, space, forces of nature, animals and how gadgets work provides enquiring young minds with fascination and engagement.  Science concepts that teach about the world; natural and made made and how the universe works encourages students to grown into responsible adults who care for the world around them.  


As technology continues to exponentially explode, our children will be the ones driving our future.  Learning how to understand, make use of and adapt to new technology is essential in education to prepare our next generation for the future.

Adapting to new technologies and teaching children how to be proficient in an advancing world is essential if grown students and children are to create, communicate and fit in an ever changing world where jobs of today will likely change significantly tomorrow.


Engineers integrate technology into our lives. Engineering requires creating, building, designing skills.  To use engines, structures, systems and even products.  Getting kids engineering with their hands and gadgets will teach them important engineering principles. 

Students who learn STEM are given opportunities in the design process, communication when discussing design and reflection opportunities to improve their design solutions.  Engineering helps students identify and define, research and plan, produce and implement and test and evaluate. What amazing skills engineering concepts offers our kids.


Mathematics is essential for kids as it fosters problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical skills that are important now but will be vital in the future.  Math teaches logic, systems and promotes data analysis and sense making, and mathematics has practical applications in every day life, including finance and measurement.

Math is fundamental to pursuing diverse careers, offering a wide range of opportunities , and it underpins innovation.  A mathematics education is foundational to a kids education. STEM learning activities that include mathematical concepts are a core to a STEM education.

Stem teaches kids critical skills for the future


STEM Education in the Classroom

Interdisciplinary approach

An interdisciplinary approach to STEM education involves combining concepts from different disciplines, allowing students to see the connections between various subjects and apply their knowledge in novel ways.

Promoting collaboration and teamwork among students helps them develop essential communication and interpersonal skills, preparing them for the collaborative nature of STEM careers.

Hand-on learning

Project-based learning and real-world applications of STEM concepts engage students and facilitate a deeper understanding of the material.

Hands-on learning experiences enhance engagement and retention by allowing students to see the practical implications of their knowledge and skills.

Technology in the classroom

Integrating educational tools and resources, such as digital textbooks, interactive simulations, and online platforms, into the classroom fosters a more dynamic and immersive learning environment.

Encouraging digital literacy equips students with the skills necessary to navigate and thrive in an increasingly technology-dependent world.  Here is more on Why is STEM important by the Department of Education.

STEM education plays an important role in preparing future innovators and driving global progress.  By nurturing curiosity, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, STEM education equips students with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive and technologically-driven world.  Embracing the arts in STEAM education further enhances creativity and innovation, making it an essential component of a well-rounded education.  It is imperative that we continue to invest in and prioritise STEM and STEAM education to ensure a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Are you ready to set your child or student on the path to becoming a future innovator?

Teaching stem is an importance in a kids education

BRICKS 4 KIDZ® brings non-stop educational fun to schools, childcare centres, and communities. All our School Programs, Out of School Hours Care, or Vacation Care include professional learning by education specialists so every child can benefit fully from LEGO® play.

Click on the image below for detailed info on all our programs including holiday workshops, themes, pricing, and availability.

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